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UFO sightings in the United States

UFO sightings in the United States!

The sci-fi series "The X-Files" popularized the saying "the truth is out there." And in the past 15 years, thousands of UFO sightings across the United States show a lot of people are still looking.

 "UFO Plane in USA"

A new list of the top cities in the U.S. that have had UFO sightings from 2001-2015 has been published, with Phoenix topping the list, according to a story in the Syracuse New Times.
The data is pulled from the book "UFO Sightings Desk Reference: United States of America 2001-2015," written by Cheryl Costa and Linda Miller Costa. Published in March 2017, the book compiles "data and analysis for 100,000+ sightings of unidentified flying objects reported by individuals during the first 15 years of the 21st century."

The numbers as crunched by Kaggle, also show that the majority of sightings take place on a Saturday, and the most common time of day is 9-11pm.
It also shows that July-January is UFO spotting season in the United States.
The data also reveals that more and more have been reported since 2009 - perhaps suggesting a new interstellar bypass has been built that brings alien aircraft closer to Earth.

On the other hand, this could mean nothing more than the rise of the Internet has made reporting sighting easier than it was in the 1990s.
More data on UFO sightings, including a worldwide series consisting of over 80,000 sightings, has been crunched and created by Kaggle on their website.

The stereotypical UFO sighting takes place in Kansas, in the middle of a field, with a single farm hand, staring at the night sky who gets abducted and usually probed by the aliens they meet.

"UFO Sighters"

Costa noted that Phoenix may be the most prevalent place in the U.S. for UFO sightings, perhaps due to the Phoenix Lights phenomena two decades ago.

In 1997, there were two events that occurred in Phoenix, Arizona, and Sonora, Mexico. Thousands of witnesses say they saw a formation of five lights in a V-shape, producing no sound and a triangular formation of lights. The U.S Air Force claimed the second group of lights were flares dropped from a A-10 Warthog aircraft.

In addition to Phoenix, Las Vegas, Seattle, Chicago and Portland round out the top five cities on the list.

"They were way to high to be aeroplanes and were going too fast. As they passed over they both started to dim and I lost sight."
Next a triangle UFO with central orange light was seen being tailed by military helicopters over Springfield, Missouri, also on Saturday.

There were SIX further UFO sightings reported to MUFON yesterday.
A witness said they and a friend also saw two bright orbs over Plum City, Wisconsin, on Sunday.
They both watched as they discussed it on mobile phones.

The report said: "I realised that what I was looking at was something that I have never seen before.

"Shocked, I stood there and watched the whole time still talking with my friend on the cell phone as we both viewed the two orbs that were hovering in the sky then one before the other dimmed out of sight."

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