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Are aliens hidden in in ancient religious artwork!

Are aliens hidden in in ancient religious artwork!

Ufo Sign Hidden in ArtworkAre aliens hidden in ancient religious artwork? Bizarre theory 
claims that signs of early visits from ET can be found in old paintings!

Conspiracy theorists claim that ancient artwork could hide signs that aliens have visited the human race.
Several centuries-old paintings, cave drawings and tapestries contain symbols and shapes that resemble UFOs and extraterrestrials.
But art experts say that these are simple misreadings of religious symbols or figures.

MailOnline explores some of the most famous examples of UFO or alien-like symbols in ancient artwork.

"he Annunciation with Saint Emydius, 1486"

The 'Annunciation with Saint Emydius' is an alter piece painted by Italian artist Carlo Crivelli in 1486.

It was crafted to commemorate Angel Gabriel's announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to Jesus.
Conspiracy theorists suggest that the ring depicted in the top left, shining light onto Mary, is a UFO spacecraft.

But art experts say that it simply shows a small collection of angels gathered around a circle of clouds.
The ring and light represent the holy spirit descending towards the Virgin Mary.

The Middle Ages and Renaissance periods of Western civilization created some of the most iconic and defining works of art in recorded history.

The work grew more impressive through the years as artists refined their skills and 
passed those skills on to their apprentices. Even today, artists and museum visitors alike look to these pieces 
for inspiration and appreciation.

But, could these paintings which hold so much importance in the history of Western civilization possibly contain 
something otherworldly, something which pervades the popular culture of modern people, like flying saucers and other UFOs?

"Proof of UFOs Experts Stunned With Artwork Depiciting Ancient Aliens"

Many of the paintings in question are religious in nature, which was very common for the era. In many of these paintings flying saucers, UFOs, laser beams, and men in aircraft seem to be depicted flying overhead observing religious events such as the birth of Jesus, or his crucifixion.

The painting is a depiction of Saint Mary and baby Jesus, but in the distant background a man looks to the twilit-like sky with his companion, a dog. Both seem to be staring at an object in the sky that looks remarkably like a modern depiction of a flying saucer emanating golden radiant energy.
The examples and arguments on both sides stretch on. Perhaps in a few hundred years, when people look to our films and
try to understand the objects therein from their points of reference, they will have an equally difficult time figuring them out.


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