Daddy's Home 2 Movie Review 2018
Daddy’s Home 2 movie review: Starring two convicts (Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson), one tragically unfunny Will Ferrell, for zero stars. Categorically the worst film of the year.
Imdb rating: 6.2/10
Recently, Mark Wahlberg, a devout Catholic, said during a Church event that he hoped God is a forgiving movie fan because he - Wahlberg - had “made some poor choices” in his past that he regrets. Like any marginally aware person, you’re probably nodding in silent agreement. Yes, Mark Wahlberg has made some poor choices in his past, but hey, at least he’s willing to own up to it.
Perhaps that’s the exact thought the Cardinal sat next to him had when he, displaying the presence of mind of a People Magazine reporter, prodded him to name and shame that one most embarrassing movie. Perhaps, like you or I, the Cardinal expected Wahlberg to sheepishly admit that his two Transformers movies were, even by the standards of Transformers movies, a sin that justified repentance. Perhaps the nice Cardinal, presumably not a fan of evolution, expected Planet of the Apes. Who knows?
It’s a shame the film has made this particular rod for its back, because there’s some stuff that might otherwise get a pass. The speccy, funny Owen Vaccaro is a good find as the youngest kid, very much his stepdad’s son and therefore humiliatingly poor at ten-pin bowling. Ferrell’s first advice when he approaches a girl is to ask about her problems and nestle firmly in the friend zone, where generations of Whitakers before him have learned to wait and thrive.
This is the kind of average routine turned to gold by Ferrell’s underselling – that tragic edge of dismay he projects at not getting better material, which he then turns in itself to comedy. Lithgow is a definite plus, too, boring his grandchildren to tears with chatter and devotion, and never far out of earshot with that trilling, protesting voice of his.
Daddy’s Home 2 movie review: Starring two convicts (Mark Wahlberg, Mel Gibson), one tragically unfunny Will Ferrell, for zero stars. Categorically the worst film of the year.
Imdb rating: 6.2/10
Recently, Mark Wahlberg, a devout Catholic, said during a Church event that he hoped God is a forgiving movie fan because he - Wahlberg - had “made some poor choices” in his past that he regrets. Like any marginally aware person, you’re probably nodding in silent agreement. Yes, Mark Wahlberg has made some poor choices in his past, but hey, at least he’s willing to own up to it.
Perhaps that’s the exact thought the Cardinal sat next to him had when he, displaying the presence of mind of a People Magazine reporter, prodded him to name and shame that one most embarrassing movie. Perhaps, like you or I, the Cardinal expected Wahlberg to sheepishly admit that his two Transformers movies were, even by the standards of Transformers movies, a sin that justified repentance. Perhaps the nice Cardinal, presumably not a fan of evolution, expected Planet of the Apes. Who knows?
"Daddy's Home 2 2018 Image"
Surely the two very different personalities still, as one of the characters puts it, “harbor” some resentment toward each other. (The use and misuse of the word “harbor” becomes a semi-running joke, an almost sophisticated bit of linguistic humor that would absolutely not have floated in the first film.) Kurt is at first passive-aggressive—renting a house near a ski resort to better facilitate a “together Christmas” in the hopes of driving a wedge into Dusty and Brad’s relationship—and then just aggressive, encouraging one of Dusty’s biological children to take up turkey hunting.
There are scenes in which both the two dads and the two granddads offer advice and strategies on ten-year-old or so Dylan’s emerging interest in girls, and later his ineptitude at bowling. Brad’s own slapstick ineptitude is highlighted when a runaway snowblower destroys a Christmas decoration display.
It’s all pretty amiable and funny, and further intrigue is provided by Dusty’s new wife, Karen, a snooty author with supermodel looks and a snootier daughter, Adrianna, an age peer of Dylan and Megan, Dusty’s kids by Linda Cardellini’s Sarah. Cardellini is given a little more to do in this picture than the first one, and that’s a plus too.
Daddy's Home 2 Official Video Trailer:
This is the kind of average routine turned to gold by Ferrell’s underselling – that tragic edge of dismay he projects at not getting better material, which he then turns in itself to comedy. Lithgow is a definite plus, too, boring his grandchildren to tears with chatter and devotion, and never far out of earshot with that trilling, protesting voice of his.
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